How to get Unemployment Insurance when you get Fired

62.365Image by Photo Munki Deluxe via FlickrDuring times of a recession.
Most employers need to cut cost.
If you were at the bottom of the food chain or you were that employee
that was disliked by the boss. Finally He/She will find any way to get rid of you by saving time and money by simply saying "Your Fired",for any slip up.
I have heard this happening alot in Southern California with the Unemployment rate at 10 percent.

The state of California records 3 month periods of you working. 4x's a year.
Averaging around $1000 a month.
Where does that money go if you don't get it?
That's an extra $3000 that you will never see.

There is 2 ways to get unemployment insurance still:

1. Wrongful termination

1.Wrongful Termination- If you felt you were wrongfully terminated for one mistake, or in retaliation.

File the claim still. If its denied then tell them you want to fight it.
They will get you a court date,this is not in criminal,traffic court. This is an employment court. Not as scary when talking to a judge in a big court with the gavel.
Give dates and times of any suspected prior retaliation.

You dont need an attorney. $2000 attorney fee + $3,000 Unemployment = You come out with $1000. Better odds in Las Vegas.

2. Discrimination- Easier to get & same as Wrongful termination but make sure you have all your facts to prove.

These are both hard to prove in court. Read Bridgestone post. This guy actually recorded them but could not be used in court, and just dropped the case.

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1 comment:

The Scribe said...

Hi, really helpful post. It may sound a bit hurting but getting an insurance surely comes as a bit temporary relief with all the haggles in the economy and employment sector nowadays.