Myers Tire Supply Los Angeles-No Compra-No Buy

Dont buy from this Company.

I was discriminated by Rich at the Los Angeles branch at

107 Exchange Pl
Pomona, CA 91768
(909) 595-6797

Dont do business with this company.

I use to work there for almost 2 years. He would not pay me for my sick days without a doctors note. While other employees didnt need a doctor note. I confronted him about this matter,and he told me " He doesnt care what the handbook says! He makes his own rules!" One employee wasnt even paid for his sick day with a doctors note.

If you work in the warehouse it is so damn cold in the winter and too damn hot in the summer.

I notifed the Corporate office. They HR said they will speak with him. I knew they werent going to do anything. He is the biggest moneymaker of all Myers Industries in the United States.

He got back at me by firing me for telling my friends there was 2 positions open on craigslist and myspace. 2 employees had previously quit.
Arent these community sites? Cant I tell a friend?
My friends are managers and my teachers at school said I should have not been fired.

I filed my case with the EEOC immediatly.

The state granted me Unemployment insurance and he was trying get them to deny me Unemployment Insurance. I had to fight the appeal in court. He did not even show up. Human Resources showed up on his behalf.
They fought for him like my situation with him didnt mean anything. This is suppose to be Human Resources?
I made it be known that we couldnt even show up. I also said Human Resources wasnt even involved.

I won.

I got a letter from the state of California that said I should have not been fired.
I am glam on am no longer with Myers Tire Supply.

I even heard he had a Xmas party at his house and invited everybody from Myers but he didnt invite the workers from the warehouse but thats another story.

Submitted by employee.


For all information go to No Employment Discrimination here

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